Monday, December 2, 2019

Week 6 Roundup:Sustainability Edition

You may wonder what the title of this post means, well you're in luck as I am about to explain it! In updating my spreadsheet that feeds the stats for the analysis in these posts this morning and updating the projected final points section, I noticed that GG Foulin' and Pgastan FC are still on pace to crush Rodman'sWeddingDress' record total of 13,470. While I won't do a full analysis post this week (that will come in 2 weeks at the 8 week mark), I will briefly analyze GG Foulin' and PFC.

Week 6 marks just under a quarter of the season in terms of percentage, 23.5% of the season has been completed. With that in mind, there is still 77.5% to play, it is still pretty remarkable the pace of our top 2 Foul Clubs.

Projected Final Points:
GG Foulin' - 15,785
Pgastan FC - 14,580
Rodman'sWeddingDress - 12,670

I guess I lied, I threw in Rodman'sWeddingDress as well because he was on pace to break his record just 2 weeks ago but has fallen a bit behind now. Compared to the projections from 2 weeks ago, GG Foulin' as cooled off a little bit as his projections have come down just over 1,000 points from 16,750. Meanwhile, Pgastan FC sees his projected points pace actually go up about 100 from 14,460. Finally, Rodman'sWeddingDress sees his projected final points drop about 800 points from 13,415. Though, that point total would be good to win any league except the first 2 season (2009-10 and 2010-11 and not counting the lockout season), so it's still pretty impressive.

So the question is, how long can GG Foulin' and Pgastan FC (and to a lesser extent Rodman'sWeddingDress) keep this record-breaking pace up? Only time will tell but we could be in for some history this season.

Let's get to this week's post now, shall we?

Stat Corrections:
- There were no stat corrections this week

- Pgastan FC added Jaxson Hayes and dropped Tobias Harris on November 28th
- F'N FLOPPERS added Ryan Arcidiacono and dropped Jevon Carter on December 1st
- F'N FLOPPERS added Tobias Harris and dropped Rodney Hood on December 1st
- Pgastan FC added Davis Bertans and dropped Royce O'Neale on December 1st

Standings as of December 2nd, 2019:

1. GG Foulin' - 3725 (+615)
2. Pgastan FC - 3440 (+640)
3. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 2990 (+375)
4. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 2960 (+615)
5. Arlington Assaulters - 2595 (+560)
6. Gamblor - 2460 (+485)
7. Ohsnappers!!! - 2445 (+355)
8. Baltimore Hitsquad - 2325 (+485)
9. F'N FLOPPERS - 1545 (+305)

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

Some interesting coincidences in this week's scores in that 2 pairs of teams scored the same points in 615 and 485. So starting from the bottom, as usual, F'N FLOPPERS still finds himself well behind the league in last place after only putting up 305 points. He remains the only team not to crack 2000 points. Baltimore Hisquad stays in 8th place but isn't too far behind 7th after scoring 485 points. Ohsnappers!!! falls from 5th to 7th after putting up 355 points but is only 5 points (1 personal foul) behind Gamblor who scored 485 points and moves up from 7th to 6th. Arlington Assaulters climbs one spot from 6th to 5th after an excellent week of 560 points.

Oww Ming's Flagrants had an amazing week of 615 points and stays in 4th. Rodman'sWeddingDress only managed 375 points and stays in 3rd but with Oww Ming's Flagrants right on his tail. Pgastan FC had the best week this week of 640 points but stays in 2nd place. He only managed to close the gap between him and GG Foulin' by 25 points as GG Foulin' scored 615 points and stays in 1st.

Points Graph:
The tiers seem of this league seem to be coming into the clear now even more so as the season progresses. F'N FLOPPERS is in tier 3. Then you get the cluster of Baltimore Hitsquad, Ohsnappers!!!, Gamblor, Arlington Assaulters, Oww Ming's Flagrants, and a new addition in Rodman'sWeddingDress in tier 2. Finally, you have Pgastan FC and GG Foulin' in tier 1.

Well that's it for now.

Keep Foulin' Y'all!



  1. Are the projected points based on a linear regression (i.e. line of best fit)? Or perhaps a quadratic fit?

    1. I just did a back of the envelope thing. Season is 25.428571 weeks long. I divide the weeks by that number then divide a team's current points by that. So this week was (6/25.428571)/(FoulClubPoints). Is there a more precise way to do it?

  2. It would likely be more accurate to do a linear regression, as it wouldn’t change as much due to weekly foul point fluctuations.
