Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 19 Roundup: The Duels Return Edition

"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well. Kyle" - Cartman

Well, it looks like the duels that made the NFA season so exciting last year are back. It became obvious this morning as I was updating the points graph this morning (I'll post it at the bottom). There are 4 distinct duels once again: 7th place, 5th place, 3rd place, and 1st place. More on this throughout the post.

Also, I have thought about ranking the types of weeks one can have.

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

I guess you can use your own adjectives to describe a week, but that's kind of how I see it.

Stat Corrections
- Marcus Morris had a techy taken away from him retroactive to February 22nd. Arlington Assaulters had him active that week so he loses 40 points.

Standings as of March 7, 2016

1. Arlington Assaulters- 8670 pts (+445)
2. Oww Ming's Flagrants 8270 (+530)
3. Pgastan FC- 7420 (+480)
4. Rodman'sWeddingDress- 7295 (+340)
5. They Call Me Gamblor- 6975 (+540)
6. F'N FLOPPERS 6905 (+350)
7. Baltimore Hitsquad- 6595 (+735)
8. Ohsnappers!!!- 6505 (+360)

Well, well, well. It looks like we have finally some movement in the standings after weeks of nothing. First off, Balitmore Hitsquad is out of the cellar! He climbs to 7th with an amazing 735 point week.This means that Ohsnappers!!! falls to 8th after an average week of 350 points. F'N FLOPPERS falls to 6th place after a 350 point week, but he is overtaken by They Call Me Gamblor who scored 540 points. Rodman'sWeddingDress falls to 4th place after scoring 340 points this week. Pgastan Foul Club jumps him in the standings with a great week of 480 points. Oww Ming's Flagrants remains in 2nd place after scoring 530 points this week. However, he closes to the gap to 400 points as Arlington Assaulters puts up 445 points (a great week, but allows Oww Ming's to gain on him a little bit).

- Arlington Assaulters added Kenneth Faried on March 1st
- F'N FLOPPERS added Tyson Chandler and dropped Marc Gasol on March 5th
- Pgastan FC added Nikola Jokic and dropped Zaza Pachulia on March 6th
- Pgastan FC added Evan Fournier and dropped Jonas Valanciunas on March 6th

Points Graph: 

Well that's it for now

Keep Foulin' Y'all!


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