Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Foul League: 3rd Season Recap and Awards

First things first final standings are as follows:

1. Rodman'sWeddingDress     13470 pts
2. Baltimore Hitsquad             11290 pts
3. Steam Donkey FC               10385 pts
4.FloorViolation                       8855  pts
5. OH NO HE DIDN'T!           8795  pts
5. No Blood No Foul               8795  pts
7. TheTeamThabeet                 7570  pts
8. Javy Sense                            7445  pts

And now the End of the season Donkies and Most Valuable Fouler!

The Donkey for Most Fouls goes to...
Demarcus Cousins of Sacremento with 332 Fouls

The Donkey for the Most Foul Outs goes to...
Demarcus Cousins of Sacremento with 10 Foul Outs

The Donkey for the Most Technical Fouls goes to...
Dwight Howard of Orlando with 18 Techys

The Donkey for Most Flagrant Fouls goes to...
Elton Brand of Philadelphia with 4

The Donkey for Most Ejections goes to...
A 3-way tie between Demarcus Cousins (SAC), Richard Hamilton (DET), and Craig Smith (LAC) all with 3 ejections.

And finally....

The Donkey for Most Valuable Fouler (MVF), the most prestigious award (so far) for foul league, goes to......

Demarcus Cousins (SAC). He totaled 332 fouls, 10 foul outs, 14 techys, and 3 ejections (no flagrants) for a grand total of 3120 fantasy points (Beating out 2nd place Dwight Howard by an amazing 630 pts).

That's a wrap for now. I may post on stuff for baseball, but no guarantees. Hopefully the NBA doesn't lock out "We need our foul league!" Also, we are probably gonna try a donk league for football, (assuming there is a season) as well. We've already run into problems with baseball scoring, but that ws to be expected since this is the first year we are doing it. Also, football could be a head-to-head format, instead of just pure points, something to think about.

Until next year: May your fouls be flagrant and your ejections many!

Keep foulin' y'all!

FM signing off (for now)

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