Monday, March 10, 2025

2024-2025 NFA Season: 5th Month Analysis Blowout!

It's the 5th month analysis blowout which means we have played 20 weeks out of 25 in the NFA season. I have in the past done a 6th month analysis blowout in week 24 but I don't really see the point of that anymore since it's only a week before the season ends so this will be the last post before the season ends. I still plan on wrapping up with the End of the Season Donkies though. Anyway, let's get to the post! 

Standings as of March 10th, 2025
1. GG Foulin' - 8790
2. Pgastan FC - 8085
3. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 7430
4. F'N FLOPPERS - 6975
5. Baltimore Hitsquad - 6790
6. Arlington Assaulters - 6475
7. Ohsnappers!!! - 6440
8. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 5310
9. Gamblor - 4770
Average Points Per Game - Avg PPG (Last Month Avg PPG)
1. GG Foulin' (424 Games) - 20.73 (20.62)
2. F'N FLOPPERS (348 Games) - 20.04 (20.37)
3. Pgastan FC (432 Games) - 18.72 (19.03)  
4. Rodman'sWeddingDress (405 Games) - 18.35 (18.94)
5. Arlington Assaulters (372 Games) - 17.41 (17.26) 
6. Ohsnappers!!! (385 Games) - 16.73 (16.67)
7. Baltimore Hitsquad (410 Games) - 16.56 (16.12)
8. Oww Ming's Flagrants (370 Games) - 14.35 (14.32)
9. Gamblor (353 Games) - 13.51 (13.27)
League Average (389 Games) - 17.38 (17.40)   
The standings in the order of points per game did not change from last month and the league average barely moved either which makes since as we are 20 weeks into a 25 week season. Comparing the regular standings to these though, we can conclude that F'N FLOPPERS has either gotten really unlucky with injuries or not maximizing setting their lineup as they are in 2nd place by this metric but only have 348 games played. Arlington Assaulters is over performing and Baltimore Hitsquad seems to be under performing. Ohsnappers!!! might be slightly under performing as well. Just goes to show you gotta manage your team and maximize games played as well as draft well.

Projected Final Standings as of March 10th, 2025
1. GG Foulin' - 11,230
2. Pgastan FC - 10,130
3. F'N FLOPPERS - 9,520
4. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 9,515
5. Baltimore Hitsquad - 8,630
6. Arlington Assaulters - 8,290
7. Ohsnappers!!! - 8,285
8. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 6,790
9. Gamblor - 6,235
No change in projected standings from last month either but of course, the projected final scores did change. It's interesting to note that Pgastan FC has been fouling consistently the past month as their projected final points has stayed the same at 10,130. Unfortunately, they need to be over performing in order to catch GG Foulin' which seems out of reach at this point.  The projected final standings have F'N FLOPPERS finishing 5 points ahead of Rodman'sWeddingDress but is currently 485 points behind. This can be traced back to their lack of games played as mentioned above. 

Points Graph:

Tier 6: Oww Ming's Flagrants, Gamblor
Tier 5: Arlington Assaulters, Ohsnappers!!!
Tier 4: F'N FLOPPERS, Baltimore Hitsquad 
Tier 3: Rodman'sWeddingDress
Tier 2: Pgastan FC
Tier 1: GG Foulin' 

We've had a little shakeout of the tiers. Oww Ming and Gamblor remain at the bottom and GG Foulin' at the top but the middle tiers have changed and I added an additional one. Arlington and Ohsnappers are in tier 5 while F'N and Baltimore are next. Rodman is kind of in a purgatory between tiers 4 and 2 as they are about 500 points ahead of tier 4 and 600 points behind tier 2. 

Well that's it for now.
Keep Foulin' Y'all!