Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 6 Roundup: Post Thanksgiving Edition

After the Thanksgiving Holiday, I really don't have an intro, so let's get right to it.

Stat Corrections:
-There were no Stat corrections this week

- There were no transactions this week

Standings as of November 27, 2017:  

1. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 3085 (+870)
2. Pgastan FC - 3060 (+485)
3. Arlington Assaulters - 2675 (+490)
4. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 2585 (+435)
5. F'N FLOPPERS - 2190 (+255)
6. They Call Me Gamblor - 2160 (+260) 
7. Ohsnappers!!! - 1615 (+215)
8. Baltimore Hitsquad - 1530 (+215)

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

Starting from the bottom Baltimore Hitsquad remains in last place after a poor week of 215 points. Ohsnappers!!! also scored 215 points and remains in 7th place. They Call Me Gamblor remains in 6th place after a poor week of 260 points. F'N FLOPPERS remains in 5th place after a poor week of 255 points. Rodman'sWeddingDress had a great week of 435 points but remains in 4th place. Arlington Assaulters had a great week of 490 points but remains in 3rd place. Pgastan FC also had a great week of 485 points but falls from 1st to 2nd place. PFC falls to 2nd place because Oww Ming's Flagrants had an amazing incredible week of 870 points. It is quite possible Oww Ming's Flagrants does not lose 1st place the rest of the season given how stacked his foul squad is.

Points Graph:

Well that's it for now.

Keep Foulin' Y'all!


Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 5 Roundup: Analytics vs MVF Edition

It is still early in the NFA season but this year looks to be shaping up into the analytics of Pgastan Foul Club vs the stacked roster of proven foulers on Oww Ming's Flagrants. Though it should be noted that Arlington Assaulters and Rodman'sWeddingDress are not too far behind Oww Ming's Flagrants as of this writing. Only time will tell to see who wins.

Stat Corrections:
-There were no Stat corrections this week

- Ohsnappers!!! added Austin Rivers and dropped Richard Jefferson on November 13th.
- Oww Ming's Flagrants added John Collins and dropped Kris Dunn on November 16th.

Standings as of November 20, 2017:  

1. Pgastan FC - 2575 (+555)
2. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 2215 (+530) 
3. Arlington Assaulters - 2185 (+440)
4. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 2150 (+490)
5. F'N FLOPPERS - 1935 (+400) 
6. They Call Me Gamblor - 1900 (+350) 
7. Ohsnappers!!! - 1400 (+175)
8. Baltimore Hitsquad - 1315 (+265)

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

Baltimore Hitsquad remains in last place but closed the gap a little on 7th after a poor week of 265 points. He was able to gain on Ohsnappers!!! as they only put up 175 points this past week which constitutes a horrible week in the official NFA Scoring Week Grading System (If you can think of a better name, let me know). They Call Me Gamblor has fallen one place to 6th place after an average week of 350 points. F'N FLOPPERS climbed to 5th place after a great week of exactly 400 points. Rodman'sWeddingDress also had a great week but remains in 4th place after scoring 490 points. Arlington Assaulters falls from 2nd to 3rd place even after putting up 440 points which equals a great week in the NFA SWGS. Oww Ming's Flagrants jumps into 2nd place after an excellent week of 530 points. Pgastan FC remains in 1st place after scoring 555 points which is also an excellent week. 

Points Graph:

Well that's it for now

Keep Foulin' Y'all!


Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 4 Roundup: Misery Loves Company Edition

Well, Italy has missed the World Cup for the first time since 1958 and will join the USA and Chile, as teams that probably should have made the World Cup but didn't. I really don't have any NFA related intro this week so let's get right to it.

Stat Corrections:
-There were no Stat corrections this week

- Pgastan FC added Eric Bledsoe and dropped TJ Warren on November 7th.
- Rodman'sWeddingDress added Josh Richardson and dropped Marcin Gortat on November 12th.

Standings as of November 13, 2017: 

1. Pgastan FC - 2020 (+610)
2. Arlington Assaulters - 1745 (+415)
3. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 1685 (+355)
4. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 1660 (+465)
5. They Call Me Gamblor - 1550 (+370)
6. F'N FLOPPERS - 1535 (+320)
7. Ohsnappers!!! - 1225 (+255)
8. Baltimore Hitsquad - 1050 (+250)

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

Baltimore HItsquad becomes the final team to crack 1000 points after a poor week of 250 points. Ohsnappers!!! also had a poor week and remains in 7th place after scoring 255 points. F'N FLOPPERS falls from 4th to 6 place after an average week of 320 points. They Call Me Gamblor moves up one spot from 6th to 5th place after an average week of 370 points. Rodman'sWeddingDress also moves up one spot from 5th to 4th place after a great week of 465 points. Oww Ming's Flagrants falls from a tie for 2nd to solo 3rd after an average week of 355 points. Arlington Assaulters moves up from a tie for 2nd to sole possession of 2nd after a great week of 415 points. Pgastan FC had an amazing week of 610 points and remains in 1st place. Only time will tell how Foulerball (Foulerlytics) will ultimately do this season but it is off to a great start as Pgastan FC is in 1st place after 1 month. Again, the NFA is a marathon not a sprint and we are only 1 month into the season so much can still change.

Points Graph:
Given that we are 4 weeks into the season, it seems like a great time to start posting the Points Graph. May not post every week but we'll see.

Well that's it for now.

Keep Foulin' Y'all!