Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 18 Roundup: Historic NFA Edition

If you didn't see the blog post from last night, Markieff Morris made history last night by fouling for the cycle. What we thought may never happen actually happened! Aside from that, DeMarcus Cousins received his techy in last night's game just 32 seconds into the game which is probably some sort of record (but I don't have records on that).

With that being said let's get right to this week's update. Again this was a shortened week due to the Donk-Star Break.

Stat Corrections:
- There were no stat corrections this week

- Arlington Assaulters added Maurice Harkless and dropped Joakim Noah on February 26th.

Standings as of February 27, 2017: 
1. GG Foulin' - 9235 (+305)
2. Arlington Assaulters - 8760 (+425)
3. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 8320 (+325)
4. Pgastan FC - 7745 (+540)
5. F'N FLOPPERS - 7175 (+335)
6. They Call Me Gamblor - 6340 (+345)
7. Baltimore Hitsquad - 6195 (+240)
8. Ohsnappers!!! - 6130 (+150)
9. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 5510 (+220)

Starting from the bottom again, Rodman'sWeddingDress continues to dwell at the bottom but had a respectable 220 points in this shortened week. Ohsnappers!!! fell to 8th place after only 150 points and was passed by Baltimore Hitsquad who scored 240 points and moved to 7th. They Call Me Gamblor remains in 6th place after scoring 345 points.

F'N FLOPPERS has reentered NFA purgatory after a 335 points week. He remains 835 points ahead of 6th but 570 points behind 4th. Pgastan FC is arguably in a higher tier of NFA Purgatory in 4th place being 570 points ahead of 5th but 575 points behind the bronze trophy race. Oww Ming's Flagrants is yet one tier higher in 3rd place given that he is 575 points ahead of 4th but 440 points behind 2nd.

Arlington Assautlers could also be considered in NFA purgatory.... in fact the top 6 teams are all pretty well spaced out at the moment. Arlington Assautlers is 440 points ahead of 3rd but 470 points behind 1st place after scoring 425 points. Finally, GG Foulin' remains in 1st place after a 305 point week.

Points Graph:

You can clearly see the space between the top 6 foul clubs while there is a slight gap between 6 and 7 while 7 and 8 are virtually tied with 9th place clearly rounding up the end. Hopefully, some of these races get a little tighter down the stretch or this could be a very anti-climatic season.

Well that's it for now.

Keep Foulin' Y'all! 


Sunday, February 26, 2017

NFA History: Markieff Morris Fouls for Cycle

Incredible! Markieff Morris has become the first NFA player to foul for the cycle as an individual. Earlier this month we had our first team cycle ever down by F'N FLOPPERS. Let's take a look at how this happened:

It looks like Markieff Morris had a Flagrant 1 in teh 3rd quarter for his 2nd personal foul. Then he fouled out with 7:31 to go in the 4th quarter and got 2 quick techy's from the ref (though Yahoo! has only given him 1 techy).

So as of this writing Yahoo has him at 6-1-1-1-1 for 310 points but according to he should have 2 techies for 6-1-2-1-1 for 350 points. We shall see what happens during the update tonight but hopefully he gets the credit for 2 techies.

Update: It actually looks like Markieff only did get 1 technical and I can assume the ref throw him out after he threw a ball into the crowd but didn't T him up. So it looks like the 6-1-1-1-1 will stand.

Check back tomorrow night for the normal weekly roundup.

Keep Fouln' Y'all!


Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 17 Roundup: President's Day Edition

Was just about to write a normal blog post when I found out the top fouler in teh game just got traded. DeMarcus Cousins' has been traded from Sacramento to New Orleans. Will this hurt his playing time? Will he still be able to foul as well as he did in California, now that he is in Louisiana? Only time will tell, but we have never seen an MVF being traded mid-season (Dwight Howard's trade to the Lakers came in the off-season).

Well after that big news let's see what happened in the NFA in this Donk-Star Break shortened week.

Stat Corrections:
- There were no stat corrections this week

*Week 17 for Yahoo is two weeks long due to the Donk-Star Break and week 17 stat correctins, should there be any, will actually come out in 6 days. Given the format of the NFA, I am still going write a weekly update even though we'll be ahead of Yahoo by a week from now until the end of the season.

 - F'N FLOPPERS added Tyson Chandler and dropped Brandon Jennings on February 13th.

Standings as of February 20, 2017: 
1. GG Foulin' - 8930 (+260)
2. Arlington Assaulters - 8335 (+180)
3. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 7995 (+380)
4. Pgastan FC - 7205 (+415)
5. F'N FLOPPERS - 6840 (+140)
6. They Call Me Gamblor - 5995 (+220)
7. Ohsnappers!!! - 5980 (+105)
8. Baltimore Hitsquad - 5955 (+185)
9. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 5290 (+180)

Starting from the bottom this week, keeping in mind this week was only 4 days long so what is normally a horrible week (195 points or fewer) is acceptable, Rodman'sWeddingDress had put up 180 points this week (amazingly 80 more points than last week which was a full 7 days) but stays in last place well behind the rest of the pack. Baltimore Hitsquad put up 185 points this week but remains in 8th place but not that far behind 7th and 6th.

Speaking of 7th place, we have a new team here as Ohsnappers!!! continues to fall in the wrong direction and has now dropped all the way to 7th after being in the 4th place truel just a few weeks ago. Ohsnappers!!! only put up 105 points while They Call Me Gamblor put up 220 points which allowed him to jump to 6th. They Call Me Gamblor is only 5 points from 6,000.

F'N FLOPPERS remains in 5th place, kind of back in NFA purgatory, after a score of 140 points. That's because Pgastan FC put up an amazing 415 points in a 4-day week, but he still remains in 4th place pretty far from that Bronze Medal (which he is hoping to defend).

Oww Ming's Flagrants put up a great 380 points in this abbreviated week but remains in 3rd place (only 5 points from 8,000). Arlington Assaulters put up 180 points but remains in 2nd place. Finally, GG Foulin' put up 260 points and is still leading the league.

Points Graph:

 From the graph, you can still see the huge lead GG Foulin' has and the surge Arlington Assautlers had last week though he came back to earth this week. Oww Ming's Flagrants rounds out a pretty well spaced top 3. Pgastan FC has gained some ground on F'N FLOPPERS while Ohsnappers!!! has amazingly fallen into the best race of of the league (the race for 6 place). There are 4 teams in that cluster and you can't really see them in this graph since they are so close to each other. Finally, Rodman'sWeddingDress remains far behind the league, it seems he has given up.

Well that's it for now.

Keep Foulin' Y'all!