Monday, December 26, 2016

Week 9 Roundup: NFA Logo Edition

I noticed the other day that there is a place for a league logo on the homepage. Unfortunately, all of my artistic talent is in music, so I am writing to the NFA community to solicit ideas for a potential NFA logo. If anyone has any ideas, they can email the league, comment on this post, or leave a message on the official league message board. I will try to come up with something in my free time as well. could be a simple "NFA" type thing or something more complex. Anyway, I am obviously open up to ideas so send them to the league office.

As the two owners of PFC and the HItsquad were talking earlier this week, they came to the realization that DeMarcus Cousins truly is a generational NFA talent. So enjoy him while you can NFA fans!

With that being said, let's get to it on this Boxing Day 2016.

Stat Corrections:
- There were no stat corrections this week


- Pgastan FC added Tyson Chandler on December 24th
- Pgastan FC added PJ Tucker and dropped Jusuf Nurkic on December 24th

Standings as of December 26  2016: 
1. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 4655 (+510)
2. GG Foulin' - 4590 (+450)
3. Arlington Assaulters - 4570 (+535)
4. Ohsnappers!!! - 3920 - (+255)
5. Pgastan FC - 3910 (+445)
6. F'N FLOPPERS - 3795 (+515)
7. They Call Me Gamblor - 3485 (+420)
8. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 3140 (+365)
9. Baltimore Hitsquad - 3100 (+305)

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

The only teams that swapped spots this week were at the bottom where Baltimore Hitsquad fell to  9th after an average week of 305 points. Rodman'sWeddingDress also had an average week by NFA blog standards but scored 60 more points than the Hitsquad.

They Call Me Gamblor remains in 7th place after a great week of 420 points but he has now entered NFA purgatory as he is 345 points ahead of 8th but 310 points behind 6th. Speaking of 6th, F'N FLOPPERS has emerged from NFA purgatory after an excellent week of 515 points and is now only 115 points behind 5th place. Pgastan FC remains in 5th place this week after a great week of 445 points but is only 10 points behind Ohsnappers!!! who had a rather poor week of 255 points.

Unfortunately for the both of them, they remain well behind the title race (around 700 points) where the top 3 teams did not change positions this week. Arlington Assaulters is still in 3rd place but is only 20 points behind GG Foulin' after his excellent week of 535 points. That's not to say GG Foulin' performed poorly this week, far from it really, but his great week of 450 points still allowed AA to gain on him. Finally, Oww Ming's Flagrants had an excellent week of 510 points this week and remains at the top of the pack 65 points ahead of 2nd and 85 points ahead of 3rd.

Points Graph:

We still have a 3-way race for the title as of today which is evident by the points graph. Ohsnappers!!! had been in that race but has fallen out of it as of now while Pgastan FC seems to be trending in the opposite direction as he is getting closer to the top. F'N FLOPPERS is climbing into the race for 4th with a strong week but Gamblor has fallen into no man's land. Finally, there is a strong duel for 8th from two of the early powerhouses in the NFA. Rodman'sWeddingDress has 3 titles and a runner-up finish, while Baltimore Hitsquad has finished 2nd once and 3rd twice.

Well that's it for now

Keep Foulin' Y'all!


Monday, December 19, 2016

Week 8 Roundup: Final Iowa Edition

As I write this blog post, my last from Iowa, I reflect on the previous almost 6 years of this blog which I started while in school here. The blog has come a long way, basically just started it as a satirical outlet for the NFA but it evolved into league commentary. Did not want to write analysis since I am competing against other managers but maybe someday it will (though I highly doubt it). I should be able to keep this blog going in the next few weeks but may miss a weekly post. I will keep the spreadsheet active though and should not miss weekly score updates. With that said, let's get into the final chapter from Iowa.

Stat Corrections
There were a lot of relevant stat corrections this week that had effect on the standings.

- Alex Len had a technical foul taken away from him retroactive to November 18th. GG Foulin' did not have him active that week so he does not lose 40 points. 
- Demarcus Cousins had a technical foul taken away from him retroactive to November 27th. Arlington Assaulters had him active that week so he loses 40 points.
- Patrick Beverley had a technical foul taken away from him retroactive to November 29th. Oww Ming's Flagrants had him active that week so he loses 40 points.
- Hasan Whitside had a technical foul taken away from him retroactive to November 30th. Pgastan FC had him active that week so he loses 40 points.
- Chris Paul was assessed a flagrant foul retroactive to December 2nd. They Call Me Gamblor had him active that week so he gains 80 points.
- Markieff Morris had a technical foul taken away from him retroactive to December 5th. Pgastan FC had him active that week so he loses 40 points.
- Demarcus Cousins had a technical foul taken away from him retroactive to December 12th. Arlington Assaulters had him active that week so he loses 40 points.

A recap of the stat corrections:

Pgastan FC and Arlington Assaulters both lose 80 points
They Call Me Gamblor gained 80 points
Oww Ming's Flagrants loses 40 points
GG Foulin' did not have his player active so no points change.

- F'N FLOPPERS added Maurice Harkless and dropped Zaza Pachulia on December 17th. 
- F'N FLOPPERS added Zaza Pachulia and dropped Marcin Gortat on December 18th.
- GG Foulin' dropped Marc Gasol on December 18th
- GG Foulin' added Marcin Gortat and dropped Steven Adams on December 18th.

Standings as of December 19, 2016: 
1. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 4145 (+475)
2. GG Foulin' - 4140 (+450)
3. Arlington Assaulters - 4035 (+485)
4. Ohsnappers!!! - 3665 - (+415)
5. Pgastan FC - 3465 (+265)
6. F'N FLOPPERS - 3280 (+455)
7. They Call Me Gamblor - 3065 (+545)
8. Baltimore Hitsquad - 2795 (+565)
9. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 2775 (+340)

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

Going to start from the top today. Oww Ming's Flagrants and GG Foulin' swapped places this week but are only separated by 5 points (or 1 personal foul). Arlington Assaulters remains in 3rd place and only 110 points back of 1st (105 behind 2nd). Ohsnappers!!! had a great week and remains in 4th further distancing himself from Pgastan FC who had a poor week of 265 points (though this was due to losing 80 points in stat corrections). F'N FLOPPERS had a great week and closed the gap on 5th but still remains 185 points back. They Call Me Gamblor remains in 7th place after an excellent week. Baltimore Hitsquad and Rodman'sWeddingDress sqapped places at the bottom and both remain the only clubs not to reach the 3,000 point plateau but the difference between 8th and 0th is only 20 points.

Points Graph:

The NFA continues to take shape and this week we have 2 duels (8th/9th and 1st/2nd) bookending (word?) the rest of the league in which the teams seem to be evenly spaced out.

Well that's it for now

Keep Foulin' Y'all!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Week 7 Roundup: Morning Mimosa's Edition

Watching the new American Dad episode so that's where the blog title comes from.

Without further ado, here's the update:

Stat Corrections
- There were no stat corrections this week

- Ohsnappers!!! added Damian Lillard and dropped Isaiah Thomas on December 5th

Standings as of December 12, 2016: 
1.. GG Foulin' - 3690 (+620)
2. Oww Ming's Flagrants - 3670 (+560)
3. Arlington Assaulters - 3550 (+410)
4. Ohsnappers!!! - 3250 - (+365)
5. Pgastan FC - 3200 (+410)
6. F'N FLOPPERS - 2825 (+395)
7. They Call Me Gamblor - 2520 (+475)
8. Rodman'sWeddingDress - 2435 (+360)
9. Baltimore Hitsquad - 2230 (+310)

<= 195 points: Horrible week
200-295 points: Poor week
300-395 points: Average week
400-495 Points: Great Week
500-595 Points: Excellent Week
>=600 points: Amazing week

Baltimore Hitsquad remains in 9th place after an average week of 310 points. Rodman'sWeddingDress falls one spot to 8th after an average week of 360 points but was passed by They Call Me Gamblor who had a great week for 475 points. F'N FLOPPERS remains in NFA Purgatory after an average week of 395 points but is 375 points behind 4th but 305 points ahead of 6th. Pgastan FC had a great week of 410 points but remains in 5th, however he has closed the gap on 4th to 50 points after Ohsnappers!!! had an average week of 365 points. Arlington Assaulters fell from 1st to 3rd even after scoring 410 points this week and is 120 points behind 2nd. Oww Ming's Flagrants remains in 2nd place after an Excellent week of 560 points. GG Foulin' had an amazing week of 620 points which catapulted him from 3rd to 1st place. However, he is only 20 points ahead of 2nd place.

Points Graph:

The duels from last week still seem to be relevant. There is a 3-way duel for 1st, there's a duel for 4th between Pgastan FC and Ohsnappers!!! F'N FLOPPERS remains in purgatory in 6th place. They Call Me Gamblor and Rodman'sWeddingDress are dueling for 7th right now as Baltimore Hitsquad has fallen further behind 8th but we could still consider them in the duel.

Well that's it for now

Keep Foulin' Y'all!